The Role of the General Directorate of Culture and Islamic Guidance of Ilam in the Development of Public Culture (a case study: quarterly Journal of Ilam culture)

Document Type : Research Paper



Culture is one of the most common words that has had fundamental impact on the formation of living civilizations of the world. Today, different classes of people including researchers and experts in the field of human sciences know it well and each uses it in a particular way. The purpose of this research is to present the role of general directorate of culture and Islamic guidance of Ilam province in the growth and development of public culture. Since the scope of the activities of the general directorate is vast among the preferential occasions, topic subjects and dozens of other curricula in the field of culture and art, the scientific- extension quarterly journal of Ilam culture were selected as an indicator and influential medium for reflecting the goals and explaining the missions of the general directorate of culture and Islamic guidance of Ilam province. The method of research was descriptive - analytical and historical. Documentary and library methods were used to collect data. A survey of 53 issues of this quarterly journal showed that despite the many ups and downs, while reflecting the results of applied research and important cultural events, it has played an outstanding role in the growth, development and explanation of culture, art, traditions and customs of Ilam’s people. The reflection of 330 scientific- research papers from university professors and researchers with various cultural, artistic, religious, political, social, training, historical, economic and managerial subjects among managers and those who are interested in culture has been the main focus of the mission of this printed media.
