Ancient Customs Reflected in the Culture of the People of Ilam (Water and Springs, Bread and Salt, Knife and Shroud)(1)

Document Type : Research Paper



Ilam province has thousands of years of history and culture. The people of this province have very old traditions and customs that are genuine. Apart from discussing their long history it can be a good pattern from the   moral, cultural, human development and environmental protection views. Customs procedures and customs rooted in the ancient culture of this region have passed from generation to generation and now also in popular culture are common of Ilam. Traditions from ancient times reflected in popular culture of Ilam, are shrouded and Knife, bread and salt, water and springs all of which are sacred. This article is an attempt to descriptive - analytical study and according to sources the following question is investigated that what customs of ancient Iran in Ilam is reflected in popular culture? The results indicate that the traditions of water and springs, bread and salt, Knife and shroud currently are in the same method of customs in ancient as the ancient times.
