Identify andAssessthe Barriers tothe Development ofthe Local MarketHandicraftsIlam

Document Type : Research Paper



A handicraft industry is one of the necessary capacities for enterprise development and creation of businesses is capable of generating. This industry with the ability to employment useful and influential role in the increase of per capita national income can be.Inthisresearch wasto identifyandevaluate themost importantbarriers tothe development ofthe internalmarket craftsIlam(which hasgoodcapabilitiesin the field ofhandicraft) is discussed. To determine the normality of the study population (506 people) Kolmogorov _Smimovz test was used and the sample using the table Krejcie and Morgan estimated 201 people. Validity (surveys) by experts (university professors) review and approval, and Cronbach's alpha was used to determine the reliability of the test (test coefficient 0.903). The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS, LISREL. Results showed the factors (barriers), Marketingandsales (with a load factor of 3.089) isthe main obstacle tothe development ofthe internal markethandicrafts Ilam.Comprehensive marketingplan handicrafts,newtrainingcourses and Expand programs promoting such guidelines to develop the domestic market handicraftsIlam province.
