Economic, Social and Demographic Situation of the Elderly in Ilam Province in the Last Four Decades


1 Faculty Member of Ilam University,iran

2 farhangian university



Introduction: Population aging is a new phenomenon in the world; Of course, the experience of this phenomenon is different in developed and developing countries; the fastest growing population is in developing countries. Inactive population growth has adverse effects on the economic and social dimensions of society; because the young and old population is more of a consumer than a producer and therefore dependent on the active and employed population. In this article, the economic, social and demographic situation of the elderly in Ilam province has been studied.
Method: The research method of secondary data analysis and using the information of general population and housing censuses of Ilam province during the years 2016-2017 has been used to answer the research questions.
Results: The population aged 65 and over in Ilam province increased from 4.03% in 1976 to 5.61% in 2016 and the mean age of the province's population fluctuated between 15 and 29 years. The highest value was related to the 2016 census and the lowest was related to the 1986 census. The proportion of the elderly population in rural areas has decreased from 81% in 1976 to 43% in 2011 and the dependency ratio of the elderly has reached its lowest level in 1986. The literacy rate of the elderly in the province in 1986 was about 8%, which in 2016 reached 29%.
Conclusion: In general, the indicators of middle age, aging rate and the rate of aging show that the population structure of Ilam province in 2006 has entered the middle age stage (aging) and is benefiting from the first population benefit.
