A Survey of Ilam Women's Clothing and Its Anthropological Analysis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 6. Instructor, Department of Social Sciences Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran. f.parvaneh@cfu.ac.ir

2 Azad University, Ilam, Iran



History of clothing is part of the history of civilization dealing with the change, shape and form of clothing throughout the time. The current research is aiming at studying and anthropological analysis of Ilami women at contemporary times, and creating a theoretical aptitude for both functionalism and dissemination by using a conceptual framework for these people. The research method in this paper is qualitative ability and information gathering through two methods of library and field observations and using architectural methods of interviewing and taking notes. The findings of the study show that social activities, time pass and political change, climatic and geographic conditions, cultural and religious beliefs of society and social status, nationality and life methods, the influential component of this society clothing, beliefs and faith rooted in the traditions of the ancestors all affect the choice of clothing among women. The results of this study also shows that  change over time and technology manipulate clothing and jewelry and theirs traditional symbols altered by 
dominant culture. It is suggested that in order to familiarize the new generation with this